Sunday, 5 September 2010

Chapter II

Chapter 2

Success of Bismarck: In his time Bismarck was incredibly successful, till the ends of the Second World Wars his ideas and legacies have been talked about and had still been practices across Europe. Otto von Bismarck had been generally regarded as Europe’s greatest statesmen by 1890. All of the aims he had planed in his life he had succeeded. One of Bismarck’s aims was for national unification. He also was a part of the unification of Germany.

Explanation: The reason why Otto von Bismarck was so successful was because his ideas and aims and legacy which he had planned years before actually starting them were possible. Nothing which he planned couldn’t be achieved, and once they were achieved he let his legacy grow.

Failures of Bismarck: There were only a few failures which Bismarck had seen in his life, but because the failures where a great deal it made the lives in Europe difficult till and arrangement was made. One of Bismarck’s failures was to bring stability to Europe but because at the same time the Ottoman Empire was trying to be unified and leaders of Europe did want this because they knew if the Ottoman Empire were to be powerful things would go wrong. So this made Bismarck plans very hard to achieve.

Explanation: It is difficult Bismarck to say that it was Bismarck’s fault because of these failures. Like everything we know that it does not take only one man to accomplish or bring down something. So because of the leaders of Europe then did not assist Bismarck’s ideas to spread, they cared for their countries benefit and brought Bismarck to failure.

Event or Problem of Bismarck: Some of the problems which Bismarck saw when he was in power was to make Whilem understand what he is trying to achieve. Also tensions between the Austrian- Hungarian state the people were fighting amongst each other because they were from different separatist and lived in the same country.

Reaction/ Solutions: The reactions and solutions that Bismarck did to these events of his were with the Austrian- Hungarian he new if he made the majority of the people German separatist then the tension will be gone. With Whilem the solution to Bismarck was for himself to resign to show Whilem nothing could be done if he did not get the space he needed to accomplish these goals for the country to be great.

The reason why Bismarck resigned was because he was frustrated because of Wilhelm's interference about the foreign and domestic policies that Bismarck established in Germany at the time. Their intentions were to make Germany great country and rule the world after Bismarck spread his ideas.

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